Technomiser Software 应用

ProCalc Scientific Calculator 2.0.4
ProCalc is a powerful programmable scientificcalculator that incorporates a highly capable BASIC interpretertogether with six programmable keys (P1-P6) allowing six programsto be loaded at any time.ProCalc also comes with a built in spreadsheet that can be usedin the traditional manor as well as being programaticallyaccessible from the built in programming language.FEATURES• BASIC Interpreter with 10 data types (Boolean, Byte, Complex,Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, String and Variant) and widerange of functions including:- calculator memory access, readingand writing files, 51 maths functions, 11 string functions, 12 dateand time functions, 29 graphics functions, 3 graph drawingfunctions, 3 touch screen functions and a couple of functions forgenerating messages and prompting for data input.• Works in Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal and Statisticalmodes.• Degrees, Radians, Gradians and Hyperbolic Trigonometrymodes.• Fix, Sci, Eng, Fractional and Normal display formats forcontrolling the number of decimal points / significant figuresetc.• Standard Trigonometric Functions including:- Sine, Cosine,Tangents, Secant, Cosecant, Cotangents and their inversefunctions.• Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions including:- Sine, Cosine,Tangents, Secanant, Cosecant, Cotangents and their inversefunctions.• Ten Memory including MS, M+, M-, MR.• Percentage function• Common Logarithm (Base 10), Binary Logarithm (Base 2) and NaturalLogarithm (Base e)• X^2 and Square Root• X^n and X root n• Reciprocal (1/x)• Factorial using the gamma functions allows the factorial ofnon-integer numbers.• Built in constants including:- pi, e, g and c.• Binary operators include AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, RoL,RoR, AsL, AsR, LsR, RoLC, RoRC and BitX (Special function forextracting and combining arbitrary bits from a word: FEDC bitx F0F0outputs 00FD).• Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal modes can be used with either 8bit, 16 bit, 32 bit or 64bit word size.• Statistical Mode allows the calculation of Sum of values, sum ofsquares, mean (x-bar), population standard deviation, samplestandard deviation and variance.The programmable calculator comes with an extensive help systemand several examples programs. The pre-written programsinclude:-System Programs• System/Area - Calculate area of circles, cones, cubes, ellipses,rectangles, spheres, squares and triangles.• System/Convert:- Converts between various distances, areas,volumes, masses and speeds.• System/Volume - Calculate volume of boxes, cones, cubes,cylinders, pyramids and spheres.Example Programs• Examples/Constants - Template Program for making a list ofConstants.• Examples/Demo - Demo showing how graphics can be used withinProCalc• Examples/FileIO - FileWrite option writes current calculatorvalue into a file. FileRead option reads a value from a file andsets it as the calculators value,• Examples/Graphs - Draws Cosine, Sine and Tangent Graphs.• Examples/Hello - The Hello World Program!********************If you have any problems, find any bugs or have any suggestions forthis app then please Email us directly using the link provided onthis page. Leaving a one star ratings on Google Play does little tohelp fix the problem and is not as effective as sending us an emaildescribing any problems you have seen.********************
Mobile BASIC 4.12
Mobile BASIC for Android allows you to towrite personal BASIC programs directly on your mobile device.FEATURES- Structured dialect of BASIC so line numbers aren'tnecessary.- Subroutines and Functions- Arrays (Single and Multi-Dimensional).- Ten Data Types: BOOLEAN, BYTE, SHORT, INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT,DOUBLE, COMPLEX, STRING and VARIANT.- Trigonometry Functions for Cosine, Sine, Tangents, Cosecants,Secants and Cotangents in Radians and Degrees.- Hyperbolic Trigonometry Functions for Cosine, Sine, Tangents,Cosecants, Secants and Cotangents.- Logarithm Functions including:- LOG, LOG10, EXP and EXP10.- Other maths functions including: RAD2DEG, DEG2RAD, RAD2GRAD andGRAD2RAD.- File I/O functions including:- OPEN, CLOSE, PUT and GET.- Time and Date functions including:- NOW, TODAY, TIME, DATE,DATETIME, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND andMILLISECOND.- String manipulation functions including:- ASC, CHR$, LEFT$, LEN,LOWER$, MID$, RIGHT$, STR$, TRIM$, UPPER$ and VAL.- Type checking functions.- Type conversion functions.- Automatic type conversion.- Automatic code formatting.- Arithmetic operators including:- Addition (+), Subtraction (-),Multiplication (*), Division (/), Power (**), Modulus (%) and UnaryMinus (-).- Bitwise arithmetic operators including:- Bitwise AND (&),Bitwise OR (|), Bitwise Exclusive OR (^), Bit complement (~), LeftShift (<<), Right Shift (>>) and Unsigned Right Shift(>>>)- Relational operators including:- equal to (=), not equal to(<>), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=),greater than (>) and greater than or equal to (>=).- Logical operators including: - AND, OR and NOT.- Unlimited parenthesis for mathematical equations.- DATA and READ statements together with restore points (usinglabel: and RESTORE label).- Error handling using TRY, CATCH and THROW keywords.- #include facility which allows inclusion of library files.- Integrated Help System- Example programs.- Graphics Facilities including: SETCOLOR, SETFONT, PLOT, DRAWLINE,DRAWARC, DRAWCIRCLE, DRAWOVAL, DRAWPIE, DRAWRECT, DRAWROUNDRECT,DRAWSTRING, FILLARC, FILLCIRCLE, FILLOVAL, FILLPIE, FILLRECT,FILLROUNDRECT, SAVE, RESTORE, TRANSLATE and ROTATE.- Touch Screen Facilities- Support for Location Services- Support for Accelerometer Sensor- Support for Ambient Temperature Sensor- Support for Gravity Sensor- Support for Gyroscope Sensor- Support for Light Sensor- Support for Linear Acceleration Sensor- Support for Magnetic Field Sensor- Support for Pressure Sensor- Support for Proximity Sensor- Support for Relative Humidity Sensor- Support for Rotation Vector Sensor- Support for Temperature Sensor********************If you have any problems, find any bugs or have any suggestions forthis app then please Email us directly using the link provided onthis page. Leaving a one star ratings on Google Play does little tohelp fix the problem and is not as effective as sending us an emaildescribing any problems you have seen.********************
Droidsheet 3.6.2
Droidsheet is a spreadsheet app that includesa built in Macro Programming language and File Manager.Droidsheet has the usual facilities for inserting, deleting,copying and pasting cells either individually or in blocks.together with a range of formatting options. The formatting optionsallow you to change your locale (County / Region), number formats,typeface, text size, font effects, text alignment, text colour,background colour, row height and column width.A variety of functions are available including:-Mathematical Functions: ABS(), ACOS(), ACOSD(), ASIN(), ASIND(),ATAN(), ATAND(), COS(), COSD(), EXP(), EXP10(), LOG(), LOG10(),POW(), SIN(), SIND(), SQRT(), TAN() and TAND().Logical Function: AND(), NOT() and OR().Selection Function: IF(), HLOOKUP() and VLOOKUP().Text Functions: CONCATENATE(), LEFT(), LEN(), MID() andRIGHT().Stats Functions are AVERAGE(), COUNT(), COUNTBLANK(), MAX(),MIN() and SUM().Financial Functions: FV() and RRI().Droidsheet also includes a powerful Macro Programming languagethat can be used for performing more complex calculations. Thismacro programming environment is based around a structured dialectof BASIC which includes ten data types (BOOLEAN, BYTE, SHORT,INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, COMPLEX, STRING and VARIANT) togetherwith a variety of functions including mathematical, stringmanipulation, time and date, type checking, type conversion, andmost importantly, some for manipulating spreadsheet cellvalues.Your files are stored in either your devices internal memory oron an external memory card. The included file manager helps youorganise your work and allows you to browse files and folders,create new droidsheet files, opening existing droidsheet files,duplicate files, rename files, copy files, cut files, paste files,delete files, create folders, rename folders, cut folders, pastingfolders and deleting folders.********************If you have any problems, find any bugs or have any suggestions forthis app then please Email us directly using the link provided onthis page. Leaving a one star ratings on Google Play does little tohelp fix the problem and is not as effective as sending us an emaildescribing any problems you have seen.********************
Technomiser File Manager 1.4.7
This File Manager allows you to manipulatefiles on your Android device and associated memory card. The filemanager supports operations on either individual files or multiplefiles. The file manager supports both single and multi-fileoperations including:- Copying Files, Cutting / Moving Files,Pasting Files, Deleting Files, Duplicating Files, Renaming Filesand Opening Files. The file manager also supports a range of folder/ directory operations including:- Folder / Directory Navigation,Creating New Folders, Cutting / Moving Folders, Pasting Folders,Deleting Folders and Renaming Folders.The file manager has an optional Toolbar that consists of aseries of Icons and Hints (Icon Labels) for common operations. TheToolbar and Hints can both be enabled and disabled from theSettings page.The file manager can be configured to sort the files by name,date and file size in either ascending or descending order. You caneven configure the file manager to show hidden files.Basic support for several languages is included includingEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Russian.We will be trying to add more complete translations in futurereleases.********************If you have any problems, find any bugs or have any suggestions forthis app then please Email us directly using the link provided onthis page. Leaving a one star ratings on Google Play does little tohelp fix the problem and is not as effective as sending us an emaildescribing any problems you have seen.********************
OBDII Commander (BT ELM327) 1.2.6
OBDII Commander is an Application that is usedto communicate with BluetoothELM327 devices attached to the OBDII connector on your car. Theapplication allows you to retrieve many parameters from your carthat you wouldn't ordinarily be able to see.The exact parameters available does depend on your car but onmany cars you will be able to see Coolant Temperature, Fuel SystemStatus, Engine Load, Fuel Pressure, Engine RPM, Vehicle Speed, MAFAir Flow, Throttle Position etc.OBDII Commander has facilities that let you design and buildyour own gauges using our Gauge BASIC programming language. Anygauges you have designed can be copied onto an external memory cardusing the built-in file manager and shared between yourfriends.A Quick Note: There are lots of cheap ELM327 clones availablethat don't connect with many modern cars. If you are unfortunateenough to have one of these then please remember we didn't make itand can't do anything about it - you will have to get another froma more reputable source. If you are in this situation then pleasedon't misdirect your frustration, please direct it to in where itbelongs - the company who sold you the cloned device.OBDII Commander features the latest in Data Driven Design whichimproves accuracy and ensures that the screen is only updated whenthe data values changes leading to improved performance and batterylife.The main gauges display is controlled by an easy to usemulti-touch gesture based interface:-1. Click on an empty space to add a new gauge.2. Gauges can be moved by dragging to a new location.3. Gauges are resized using a pinch gesture.4. A double tap on the gauge brings it to the front (Useful foroverlapping gauges).5. A single tap on the gauge displays a menu that allows you to:-edit the gauge's parameter, edit the gauge's style, delete thegauge and more.6. A long press takes a screenshot.The parameter editor allows you to define your own parametersand apply custom calibrations which can be defined using a varietyof operators and functions. The operators include:- Parenthesis,Power, Division, Modulus, Addition, Subtraction, Bit complement,Shift left, Shift right, Bitwise AND, Bitwise OR and Bitwiseexclusive OR. The functions include POLY(), IF(), ACOS(), ASIN(),ATAN(), COS(), EXP(), EXP10(), LOG(), LOG10(), SIN(), SQRT() andTAN(). You can also refer to a number of built in constantsincluding: C, E, G and PI.The OBDII Log allows you to view the most recent communicationswith your ELM327 device. You can also use this screen to send yourown commands directly to the ELM device.We welcome all constructive feedback whether it be good or bad andwould encourage you to send your feedback directly to feedback@technomiser.comwhere it can be acted upon by our developers.
Scientific Calculator 1.11
This scientific calculator offers thefollowing facilities and features:o Works in Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimalo Degrees, Radians and Gradians operating Modes.o Fix, Sci and Normal modes for controlling the number of decimalpoints / significant figures.o Standard Trigonometric Functions including:- Sine, Cosine,Tangents, Secant, Cosecant, Cotangents and their inversefunctions.o Hyperbolic Trigonometric Functions including:- Sine, Cosine,Tangents, Secanant, Cosecant, Cotangents and their inversefunctions.o Memory including MS, M+, M-, MRo Percentage functiono Common Logarithm (Base 10), Binary Logarithm (Base 2) and NaturalLogarithm (Base e)o X^2 and Square Rooto X^n and X root no Reciprocal (1/x)o Factorial using the gamma functions allows the factorial ofnon-integer numbers.o Built in constants including:- pi, e, g and c.o Binary operators include AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, RoL,RoR, AsL, AsR, LsR, RoLC, RoRC and BitX (Special function forextracting and combining arbitrary bits from a word: FEDC bitx F0F0outputs 00FD).o Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal modes can be used with either 8bit, 16 bit, 32 bit or 64bit word size.o Statistical Mode allows the calculation of Sum of values, sum ofsquares, mean (x-bar), population standard deviation, samplestandard deviation and variance.If you have any queries about this application, find any bugs orwould like additional features added then please Email me directlyusing the link provided on this page.
Extinction Event 1.7.1
The solar system is traveling through aregionof our galaxy that contains a black hole whose gravity haschangedthe orbit of many Asteroids in the Asteroid belt in. Ithasrecently been confirmed that a number of these large Asteroidsareheading right in our direction. Our scientists have nowcalculatedthe size and mass of those objects and have concludedthat an earthimpact with any of those objects will lead to anextinction event.To combat the situation the Space Shuttles have been broughtoutof retirement, upgraded with a number of nuclear weaponsandreinstated into active service.Your task as the commander of one of those shuttles is toensurethat none of the Asteroids make it to earth. You can expect32waves of asteroids.
App Monitor 1.2.1
What do you do when adverts startappearingwhen you unlock your phone. You know thatone of your apps is responsible, but which one. More often thannotthe culprit is theapp that has been been installed or update most recently -sometimesapps caninstall addition apps that you don't even know about.App Monitor can help you identify the most recent changes.Whenit is first run itcreates a database of all of your current apps. The next time itisrun it checks allof your apps against the contents of the database.1. New apps are highlighted in red at the top of the list. Doyouremember installing it? If notthen you might want to go to your phones app manager andremoveit.2. Updated apps are highlighted in orange and areplacedimmediately below any new apps. Anupdated app can also be the culprit in new behaviour.3. Unchanged apps are listed at the bottom of the list andarenot highlighted.
SMS Radar Location Tracking 1.0.2
SMS Radar is a convenient applicationthatallows you to monitor the location of paired phones. It can beusedfor many purposes for instance, Child monitoring, Stafftracking,Health and Safety for people working in a communitysettings(Health Professionals), Finding closest Team Member,PhoneTracking, Meeting up with Family while out and about.IMPORTANT: YOU NEED SMS RADAR INSTALLED ON ALLPAIREDDEVICES.SMS Radar works by pairing your device with anotherdevicerunning SMS Radar. The pairing and all communicationsbetweendevices is performed through SMS text messages which meansthat itwill work even if the target device doesn't have aataconnection.The accuracy of SMS Radar is determined by the accuracy ofthelocation hardware built into your phone. For the lowestpowerconsumtion you should leave the setting to Network Provider -whichsimply uses the cell phone communication towers to identifyyourapproximate location. For more accurate location, or for whenthereis no cell phone coverage, the phone should be set to GPS,howeverthis does tend to use more battery power. GPS is moreaccurate whenoutside but may have problems obtaining a lock whenyou areinside.PERMISSIONS REQUIREDSEND_SMS - SMS Radar communicates with paired devices usingSMSmessages.RECEIVE_SMS - SMS Radar communicates with paired devices usingSMSmessages.CALL_PHONE - SMS Radar has an option that allows you to initiateaphone call to a paired device displayed on the map.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - SMS Radar needs this permissiontodetermine the phones location.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - SMS Radar needs this permission todeterminethe phones location.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETE - Allows SMS Radar to automatically startstheSMS Radar Service at power on.INTERNET - Used by Google Play Services and Google Map APIs.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used by Google Play Services and GoogleMapAPIs.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used by Google Play Services and GoogleMapAPIs.
Droidsheet (V4) 4.0
Droidsheet is a spreadsheet app that includesabuilt in Macro Programming language and File Manager.Droidsheet has the usual facilities for inserting,deleting,copying and pasting cells either individually or inblocks.together with a range of formatting options. The formattingoptionsallow you to change your locale (County / Region), numberformats,typeface, text size, font effects, text alignment, textcolour,background colour, row height and column width.A variety of functions are available including:-Mathematical Functions: ABS(), ACOS(), ACOSD(), ASIN(),ASIND(),ATAN(), ATAND(), COS(), COSD(), EXP(), EXP10(), LOG(),LOG10(),POW(), SIN(), SIND(), SQRT(), TAN() and TAND().Logical Function: AND(), NOT() and OR().Selection Function: IF(), HLOOKUP() and VLOOKUP().Text Functions: CONCATENATE(), LEFT(), LEN(), MID()andRIGHT().Stats Functions are AVERAGE(), COUNT(), COUNTBLANK(),MAX(),MIN() and SUM().Financial Functions: FV() and RRI().Droidsheet also includes a powerful Macro Programminglanguagethat can be used for performing more complex calculations.Thismacro programming environment is based around a structureddialectof BASIC which includes ten data types (BOOLEAN, BYTE,SHORT,INTEGER, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, COMPLEX, STRING and VARIANT)togetherwith a variety of functions including mathematical,stringmanipulation, time and date, type checking, type conversion,andmost importantly, some for manipulating spreadsheetcellvalues.Your files are stored in either your devices internal memoryoron an external memory card. The included file manager helpsyouorganise your work and allows you to browse files andfolders,create new droidsheet files, opening existing droidsheetfiles,duplicate files, rename files, copy files, cut files, pastefiles,delete files, create folders, rename folders, cut folders,pastingfolders and deleting folders.********************If you have any problems, find any bugs or have any suggestionsforthis app then please Email us directly using the link providedonthis page. Leaving a one star ratings on Google Play does littletohelp fix the problem and is not as effective as sending us anemaildescribing any problems you have seen.********************